3 things you need to know about #hashtags

Whether you think they make posts look messy, or love them and use them unnecessarily in real life, hashtags are an important part of sharing your content. 

Here are three things you should know about hashtags (#hashtags).

1. First off, understand why to use hashtags at all. Hashtags can help categorize your posts on social media so others can find them. For example, if I search the #thisiscle I see all the posts people have also tagged with content around Cleveland. 

On some social media platforms like Instagram, people can actually subscribe to a hashtag and get a feed of posts relevant to that category that applies to them.

2. Next, see what hashtags people in your industry or niche are already using. For example, Destination Cleveland (the Cleveland Visitor Center) actually promotes its hashtag in its social profiles and on its website. So if I’m trying to share something having to do with something going on in Cleveland I may use the hashtag #thisiscle. 


Also, Twitter and Instagram will actually suggest hashtags for you if you start typing keywords. 


Still not sure which hashtags to use? There are plenty of great tools to help, such as RiteTag. 

3. Finally, how many hashtags should you use? Experts disagree on this one, but as you’re starting out try incorporating at least one or two in each post. On Twitter you’re obviously limited on characters so using one or two max is fine. Instagram is definitely a hot spot for hash tags. It’s a world where ten more is ok.

So start experimenting with those hash tags! Have more questions? Email us at info@ckb.5ac.myftpupload.com. We’ll be happy to answer, perhaps even in a future blog post or video!

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